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Glitches - Please Read

Started by Dan, November 09, 2005, 09:05:46 PM

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The Lonely Moon


All I need is some coffee to stay sharp

Death Pixie

That happens to me all the time, but Dan says "There's nothing I can do about that"



I can see all the pictures :-X

Also, I am doing some things on the server today and I discovered that the seidou database is over 2gb now.  That seems ridiculously huge to me.
But it's ok, there's room on the server for the board to grow to like 300 times that.  Let's just hope it doesn't ever break, because it's some serious business to get that sort of data backed up.
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Mr. ZeroRyoko1974

I think its some kind of weird selective blocking by our company firewall/webfilter as I primarily view it at work